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Proven Strategies to Become a Better Reader

Ways to Become a Better Reader
Ways to Become a Better Reader

Proven Strategies to Become a Better Reader

Improving your reading speed and comprehension doesn’t have to be a chore. Whether you're reading for school, work, or pleasure, you can become a more efficient and effective reader by following these 17 strategies. Let’s dive into what each step involves and how you can incorporate them into your daily reading routine.

1. Analyse the Purpose for Reading

Before diving into a book or article, take a moment to identify why you're reading it. Are you reading to learn something new, to be entertained, or to gather specific information? Understanding the purpose will help you focus and adjust your reading approach accordingly.

2. Read Silently Without Subvocalizing

Subvocalization is the habit of silently saying the words in your head as you read. While common, it can slow down your reading speed. Practice reading without this internal narration, allowing your eyes and brain to process words faster.

3. Use Word Shape Recognition

Rather than reading each word individually, train your brain to recognize the shapes of words. This helps you skim through text faster while still grasping the content. Your brain can often guess words based on their shape, leading to quicker comprehension.

4. Check Your Vision

If you’re struggling to read quickly or find yourself squinting at the page, it might be time to get your vision checked. Clear vision is essential for reading at optimal speed.

Follow along the page with your finger or a pen. This helps reduce unnecessary eye movements, which can slow down your reading pace.
Follow along the page with your finger or a pen. This helps reduce unnecessary eye movements, which can slow down your reading pace.

5. Read in Good Lighting

Poor lighting can strain your eyes and reduce your reading stamina. Ensure you’re reading in a well-lit environment to avoid fatigue and maintain focus.

6. Read When You Are Alert

Choose times when you're mentally sharp to read. If you're tired or distracted, it’s harder to retain information. Reading when you’re alert improves both speed and comprehension.

7. Practice Reading Regularly

Like any skill, reading improves with practice. Set aside regular time each day to read. As your brain becomes more accustomed to processing text quickly, both your speed and understanding will improve.

8. Time Your Reading Periodically

Use a timer to measure how long it takes you to read a certain number of pages. By regularly timing yourself, you can track your progress and set goals for improvement.

9. Push Yourself Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Challenge yourself by reading slightly faster than your current comfort level. This helps stretch your capabilities and builds the mental endurance needed for faster reading with better comprehension.

10. Read a Variety of Material

Exposing yourself to different genres, styles, and levels of difficulty will make you a more adaptable reader. Varying your reading material keeps your mind sharp and ready to tackle anything from light fiction to dense textbooks.

11. Adjust Your Reading Speed to Your Needs

You don’t need to read everything at the same pace. For light, easy reads, you can speed up, but for more complex material, slow down to ensure full comprehension. Flexibility is key to becoming a well-rounded reader.

Exposing yourself to different genres, styles, and levels of difficulty will make you a more adaptable reader. Varying your reading material keeps your mind sharp and ready to tackle anything from light fiction to dense textbooks.
Exposing yourself to different genres, styles, and levels of difficulty will make you a more adaptable reader. Varying your reading material keeps your mind sharp and ready to tackle anything from light fiction to dense textbooks.

12. Learn to Read in Chunks

Rather than focusing on each word individually, practice reading groups of words, or "chunks," at once. This reduces the number of eye movements and allows for quicker comprehension.

13. Avoid Re-reading Passages

Re-reading can slow you down significantly. Instead of going back over the text, trust yourself to grasp the main points as you move forward. Over time, your brain will learn to retain more information on the first pass.

14. Visualize What You’re Reading

Let the words on the page create vivid images in your mind. This technique helps with comprehension and memory retention, making the material more engaging and easier to recall later.

15. Move the Book Away from Your Face

Hold the book farther from your face to widen your field of vision. This allows you to see more words at once, making it easier to scan lines of text quickly.

16. Use a Pointer to Guide Your Eyes

Follow along the page with your finger or a pen. This helps reduce unnecessary eye movements, which can slow down your reading pace. Guiding your eyes with a pointer creates a smoother reading experience.

17. Use Speed Reading Software

Investing in speed reading software can be a great way to reinforce the above techniques. These tools provide exercises to improve speed and comprehension while tracking your progress. However, software alone won’t make you a better reader – it’s a combination of strategies and consistent practice that will.

Making the Process Easier

All of these strategies can seem overwhelming at first glance. But the key is to gradually incorporate them into your routine. Speed reading software can help, but it’s not a standalone solution. Practice, persistence, and adopting these techniques over time will lead to noticeable improvements.


Becoming a better reader takes time and commitment, but with these 17 strategies, you can improve both your speed and comprehension. Start with one or two methods, and gradually build them into your reading habit. Before long, you’ll find yourself not only reading faster but also retaining and understanding more of what you read!

Becoming a better reader takes time and commitment, but with these 17 strategies, you can improve both your speed and comprehension
Becoming a better reader takes time and commitment, but with these 17 strategies, you can improve both your speed and comprehension


Courtesy: mmmEnglish

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