Paul Masih
22 Dec 2024
Practice Exercises for Creating Complete Sentences Without Using "And," "But," or "So"
(iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. [4]

Set 1
(a) Ravi missed the train. He left home late.
Ravi missed the train though he left home late.
Ravi missed the train because he left home late.
Ravi missed the train unless he left home late.
Ravi missed the train or he left home late.
(b) Maya loves reading novels. She has a vast collection of books.
Maya loves reading novels as she had a vast collection of books.
Maya loves reading novels whenever she has a vast collection of books.
Maya loves reading novels or she has a vast collection of books.
Maya loves reading novels because she has a vast collection of books.
(c) He worked hard for months. He achieved his goal.
Because he worked hard for months, he achieved his goal.
While he worked hard for months, he achieved his goal.
Unless he worked hard for months, he achieved his goal.
Though he worked hard for months, he achieved his goal.
(d) I went to the park. I met my friends there.
I went to the park where I met my friends.
I went to the park that I met my friends.
I went to the park whenever I met my friends.
I went to the park because I met my friends.
Set 2
(a) The boy was crying. He had lost his toy.
The boy was crying because he had lost his toy.
The boy was crying unless he had lost his toy.
The boy was crying whenever he had lost his toy.
The boy was crying as he has lost his toy.
(b) Priya stayed back after school. She had extra classes.
Priya stayed back after school since she had extra classes.
Priya stayed back after school though she had extra classes.
Priya stayed back after school or she had extra classes.
Priya stayed back after school while she had extra classes.
(c) He was feeling hungry. He ate a sandwich.
Since he is feeling hungry, he ate a sandwich.
Whenever he was feeling hungry, he ate a sandwich.
Though he was feeling hungry, he ate a sandwich.
Because he was feeling hungry, he ate a sandwich.
(d) The weather was pleasant. We decided to go on a picnic.
The weather was pleasant, so we decided to go on a picnic.
Since the weather was pleasant, we decided to go on a picnic.
Though the weather was pleasant, we decided to go on a picnic.
Unless the weather was pleasant, we decided to go on a picnic.
Set 3
(a) She completed the project. She received appreciation from her teacher.
She completed the project, therefore she received appreciation from her teacher.
She completed the project because she received appreciation from her teacher.
She completed the project whenever she received appreciation from her teacher.
She completed the project unless she received appreciation from her teacher.
(b) The lights went out. We lit candles.
The lights went out then we lit candles.
The lights went out because we lit candles.
The lights went out as we lit candles.
The lights went out unless we lit candles.
(c) He is a diligent student. He scores good marks in exams.
He is a diligent student because he scores good marks in exams.
He is a diligent student whenever he scores good marks in exams.
He is a diligent student though he scores good marks in exams.
As he is a diligent student, he scores good marks in exams.
(d) She practices regularly. She performs well in competitions.
She practices regularly so she performs well in competitions.
She practices regularly whenever she performs well in competitions.
She practices regularly as she performs well in competitions.
She practices regularly consequently, she performs well in competitions.

Set 4
(a) They were late for the movie. They got stuck in traffic.
They were late for the movie because they got stuck in traffic.
They were late for the movie whenever they got stuck in traffic.
They were late for the movie unless they got stuck in traffic.
They were late for the movie though they got stuck in traffic.
(b) The cake was delicious. Everyone asked for a second helping.
The cake was delicious, so everyone asked for a second helping.
The cake was delicious though everyone asked for a second helping.
The cake was delicious as everyone asked for a second helping.
The cake was delicious whenever everyone asked for a second helping.
(c) She enjoys gardening. She finds it relaxing.
She enjoys gardening because she finds it relaxing.
She enjoys gardening whenever she finds it relaxing.
She enjoys gardening and she finds it relaxing.
She enjoys gardening unless she finds it relaxing.
(d) He borrowed a book from the library. He wanted to prepare for his exam.
He borrowed a book from the library but he wanted to prepare for his exam.
He borrowed a book from the library as he wanted to prepare for his exam.
He borrowed a book from the library whenever he wanted to prepare for his exam.
He borrowed a book from the library unless he wanted to prepare for his exam.
Set 5
(a) The dog barked loudly. It saw a stranger at the gate.
The dog barked loudly as soon as it saw a stranger at the gate.
The dog barked loudly unless it saw a stranger at the gate.
The dog barked loudly for it saw a stranger at the gate.
The dog barked loudly whenever it saw a stranger at the gate.
(b) We postponed the trip. It started raining heavily.
We postponed the trip because it started raining heavily.
We postponed the trip for it started raining heavily.
We postponed the trip unless it started raining heavily.
We postponed the trip whenever it started raining heavily.
(c) I was tired. I went to bed early.
I was tired as a result I went to bed early.
I was tired because I went to bed early.
I was tired as I went to bed early.
I was tired though I went to bed early.
(d) The teacher praised Rahul. He answered the question correctly.
The teacher praised Rahul because he answered the question correctly.
The teacher praised Rahul before he answered the question correctly.
The teacher praised Rahul though he answered the question correctly.
The teacher praised Rahul whenever he answered the question correctly.

Here are the answers to the questions:
Set 1
(a) Ravi missed the train. He left home late.
Answer: 2. Ravi missed the train because he left home late.
(b) Maya loves reading novels. She has a vast collection of books.
Answer: 4. Maya loves reading novels because she has a vast collection of books.
(c) He worked hard for months. He achieved his goal.
Answer: 1. Because he worked hard for months, he achieved his goal.
(d) I went to the park. I met my friends there.
Answer: 1. I went to the park where I met my friends.
Set 2
(a) The boy was crying. He had lost his toy.
Answer: 1. The boy was crying because he had lost his toy.
(b) Priya stayed back after school. She had extra classes.
Answer: 1. Priya stayed back after school since she had extra classes.
(c) He was feeling hungry. He ate a sandwich.
Answer: 4. Because he was feeling hungry, he ate a sandwich.
(d) The weather was pleasant. We decided to go on a picnic.
Answer: 2. Since the weather was pleasant, we decided to go on a picnic.
Set 3
(a) She completed the project. She received appreciation from her teacher.
Answer: 1. She completed the project, therefore she received appreciation from her teacher.
(b) The lights went out. We lit candles.
Answer: 1. The lights went out then we lit candles.
(c) He is a diligent student. He scores good marks in exams.
Answer: 4. As he is a diligent student, he scores good marks in exams.
(d) She practices regularly. She performs well in competitions.
Answer: 4. She practices regularly consequently, she performs well in competitions.
Set 4
(a) They were late for the movie. They got stuck in traffic.
Answer: 1. They were late for the movie because they got stuck in traffic.
(b) The cake was delicious. Everyone asked for a second helping.
Answer: 3. The cake was delicious as everyone asked for a second helping.
(c) She enjoys gardening. She finds it relaxing.
Answer: 1. She enjoys gardening because she finds it relaxing.
(d) He borrowed a book from the library. He wanted to prepare for his exam.
Answer: 2. He borrowed a book from the library as he wanted to prepare for his exam.
Set 5
(a) The dog barked loudly. It saw a stranger at the gate.
Answer: 1. The dog barked loudly as soon as it saw a stranger at the gate.
(b) We postponed the trip. It started raining heavily.
Answer: 1. We postponed the trip because it started raining heavily.
(c) I was tired. I went to bed early.
Answer: 1. I was tired as a result I went to bed early.
(d) The teacher praised Rahul. He answered the question correctly.
Answer: 1. The teacher praised Rahul because he answered the question correctly.