Paul Masih
25 Aug 2024
Daily Dose of Prepositions, 100 Challenging Prepositions
Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions: -
1. The Nizam subscribed a handsome sum --- the Flood Relief Fund.
2. His friends condoled --- him --- his bereavement.
3. He quarrelled --- me --- a trifle.
4. He readily complied --- my request.
5. He dispensed --- the services of his dishonest clerk.
6. He yielded --- superior force.
7. He despaired --- success.
8. He supplies the poor --- clothing.
9. His friends disagreed --- him on that point.
10. He acceded --- my request,
11. He abstains --- liquor.
12. He was found guilty --- manslaughter.
13. He is incapable --- doing good work.
14. He is married --- my cousin.
15. He is sensible --- your kindness,
16. He is true --- his king.
17. He is involved --- difficulties.
18. The auditor is entitled --- his remuneration.
19. I prefer tea --- coffee.
20. I don't concur --- you --- that opinion.
21. There is no exception --- this rule.
22. 1 am obliged --- you --- your kindness.
23. I am not envious --- his success.
24. I am convinced --- the necessity of prudence.
25. We should rely --- our own efforts.
26. I inquired --- the servant if his master was at home.
27. I purposely refrained --- saying more.
28. I insisted --- going.
29. I exchanged --- him my calculator --- a camera.
30. I assented --- his proposal.
31. I am not satisfied --- your explanation.
32. You must conform --- the regulations.
33. He did not profit --- experience.
34. We should all aim --- excellence.
35. Alcohol is injurious --- health.
36. The stories in that book are full --- interest.
37. Don't associate --- disreputable people.
38. Do not indulge --- strong language.
39. He is grateful --- his master --- many favours.
40. He is dependent --- his parents.
41. He is abstemious --- eating and drinking.
42. He is prompt --- carrying out orders.
43. He is vain --- his attainments.
44. He is deficient --- common sense ..
45. He is vexed --- me.
46. He is indifferent --- his own interest.
47. He is proficient --- mathematics.
48. He is not ashamed --- his neighbours.
49. He is devoid --- sense.
50. He is suspicious --- all his neighbours.
51. He has a passion --- arguing.
52. Recently there has been a reduction --- the price of milk.
53. He proved false --- his friend.
54. A square may be equivalent --- a triangle.
55. The avaricious man is greedy --- gain.
56. He is very different --- his brother.
57. The head-dress of the Cossacks is similar --- that of the ancient Persians.
58. He was born --- humble parents in Nasik.
59. His views do not accord --- mine.
60. Temperance and employment are conducive --- health.
61. 2. A policeman rescued the child --- danger.
62. Dogs have antipathy --- cats.
63. He promised not to do anything repugnant --- the wishes of his parents.
64. He is not the man to allow anyone to encroach --- his rights.
65. Some of the members of the Assembly complained --- increased military expenditure.
66. Even the enemies admit that he is endowed --- rare talents.
67. He inspires respect --- his friends.
68. Our path is beset --- difficulties.
69. He was not able to give a satisfactory explanation --- his absence.
70. His illness is a mere pretext --- his absence.
71. He has been very much indulgent --- his children.
72. This discussion is hardly relevant --- the subject
73. Contentment is essential --- happiness.
74. Early rising is beneficial --- health.
75. He is not likely to do anything detrimental --- our interests.
76. His benefactions must redound --- his credit.
77. Only graduates are eligible --- the post.
78. He is capable as a leader, but intolerant --- opposition.
79. Boys over sixteen are debarred --- competing.
80. Father Damien consecrated his life --- ameliorating the lot of lepers.
81. That rule is not applicable --- your case.
82. A public man should be tolerant --- criticism.
83. He is willing to make a concession --- the demands of his employees.
84. I often find him absorbed --- thought.
85. The accommodation is adequate --- our needs.
86. The hotel is adjacent --- the station.
87. The authorship of the book is wrongly ascribed --- him.
88. Never do anything that is not compatible --- public safety.
89. His father often connives --- his follies.
90. Some public men are very sensitive --- criticism.
91. He is addicted --- gambling.
92. You need not be afraid --- being late.
93. Death is preferable --- disgrace.
94. Cats are tenacious --- life.
95. It is not true that the study of science tends --- atheism.
96. Some films are an incitement --- crime.
97. He was angry --- me, because he thought my remark was aimed --- him.
98. The climate of Rangoon does not agree --- him.
99. His plans are adverse --- my interests.
100. The question of unemployment bristles --- difficulties.
Courtesy Thompson & Martinet