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The Assembly of God Church, English Literature – Annual Term 2024-25

Preppatration Time:

120 Minutes

Revision Time:

10 Minutes



Class 7 AG

Questions and Answer Key

About the Lesson

Welcome to this webpage for Class 7 English Literature at The Assembly of God Church School, Haldia. This page provides students, teachers, and parents with essential resources, including study materials, question papers, and answer keys for the Annual Term 2024-25. Our goal is to enhance students' learning experience by offering structured assessments, meaningful literary discussions, and comprehensive explanations of key texts

Text/Analysis/ Summary/ Theme

Silhouette of an elephant and two people at sunset, set against a golden sky and distant mountains, creating a serene and peaceful mood.
Against the backdrop of a stunning sunset, Romi and his companion Teju stand courageously beside an elephant, embodying the spirit of survival and unity in Ruskin Bond's "Flames in the Forest."

The Assembly of God Church School, Haldia

English II (Pattern) English Literature CLASS 7 AG ANNUAL TERM 24-25

Section A

  1. Word Meaning – 10 marks

  2. Choose the correct option – 10 marks

  3. Complete the sentences – 6 marks

  4. Short Questions (Answer in one word) – 10 marks

Section B

  1. Make Sentences (7 × 2) = 14 marks

    • (Do any seven out of ten)

  2. Answer the following (6 × 3) = 18 marks

    • (Do any six out of seven)

  3. Reference to Context (3 × 4) = 12 marks

    • (Do any three sets out of four)


City street with people and cars, flanked by ornate buildings. Tall towers in the misty background. Black and white drawing with signage.
A bustling cityscape captures the complexities of urban life, echoing the themes of struggle and longing from "Refugee Blues," highlighting the stark contrast between architectural grandeur and the human turmoil below.


The Assembly of God Church School, HaldiaEnglish II – English LiteratureClass 7 AG Annual Term 2024-25

Total Marks: 80

Time: 2 Hours


1. Word Meaning (10 marks)

(Write the meanings of the following words.)

a) Scorched (Flames in the Forest)

b) Gilded (The Happy Prince)

c) Lutes (Wandering Singers)

d) Tarry (Wandering Singers)

e) Persecution (Refugee Blues)

f) Quiver (Throwing a Tree)

g) Crestfallen (Shankar Meets a Lion)

h) Lumbering (Flames in the Forest)i) Plight (Refugee Blues)

j) Glimmer (The Happy Prince)

2. Choose the correct option (10 marks)

(Select the correct answer from the options given.)

a) Why did Romi decide to ride through the forest at night? (Flames in the Forest)

i) He wanted to enjoy the cool night air.

ii) His father was unwell, and he had to deliver medicines.

iii) He was participating in a race.

iv) He was running away from home.

b) In The Happy Prince, what was the swallow planning to do before he met the statue?

i) Stay in the city permanently.

ii) Go to Egypt.

iii) Find a new home.

iv) Stay with the Happy Prince forever.

c) What made the refugee feel helpless in Refugee Blues?

i) He had no money.

ii) He had no passport.

iii) He was sick.

iv) He could not speak the language.


d) What happened when the tree was finally cut in Throwing a Tree?

i) It fell silently.

ii) It shook all the surrounding trees.

iii) It resisted till the last moment.

iv) It was left standing.

e) What was the significance of the fencing in Shankar Meets a Lion?

i) To protect passengers from thieves.

ii) To keep wild animals out.

iii) To mark the station boundary.

iv) To prevent trains from derailing.

f) Who are the wandering singers addressing in Wandering Singers?

i) The king.

ii) The common people.

iii) The wind.

iv) Themselves.

g) Why did the Happy Prince give away all his gold and jewels?

i) He no longer wanted to be rich.

ii) He wanted to help the poor.

iii) The swallow told him to do so.

iv) He wanted to become a common statue.

h) In Flames in the Forest, how did Teju help Romi while escaping the fire?

i) By beating his milk cans to warn animals.

ii) By carrying Romi’s bicycle.

iii) By finding a shortcut.

iv) By calling for help.

i) How did Shankar react upon seeing the lion outside his station room? (Shankar Meets a Lion)

i) He screamed and ran.

ii) He remained still and silent.

iii) He fought the lion.

iv) He climbed a tree.

j) What kind of songs do the wandering singers sing? (Wandering Singers)

i) About nature.

ii) About love.

iii) About old cities, battles, and kings.

iv) About themselves.

3. Complete the sentences (6 marks)

a) The Happy Prince's eyes were made of ____________.

b) In Flames in the Forest, the road was blocked by a ____________.

c) The wandering singers believe that their home is ____________.

d) The consul in Refugee Blues declared that without a passport, the refugees were ____________.

e) The tree in Throwing a Tree was ____________ years old.

f) Shankar maintained a diary to ____________.

4. Short Questions (Answer in one word) (10 marks)

a) What was the Happy Prince covered with?

b) Where did Romi want to go in Flames in the Forest?

c) What did the wandering singers carry with them?

d) Who was Shankar’s first companion at the station?

e) What did the refugees lack in Refugee Blues?

f) What was thrown away along with the dead swallow? (The Happy Prince)

g) What kind of sound attracted the lion? (Shankar Meets a Lion)

h) What kind of poetic style is used in Refugee Blues?

i) How long did it take to cut the tree in Throwing a Tree?

j) What did the Happy Prince ask the swallow to give the seamstress?


5. Make Sentences (7 × 2 = 14 marks)

(Do any seven out of ten.)

a) Gilded

b) Shambled

c) Fate

d) Trembled

e) Persecution

f) Crestfallen

g) Exodus

h) Nomadic

i) Lumbering

j) Echoing

6. Answer the following (6 × 3 = 18 marks)

(Do any six out of seven.)

a) How did Romi and Teju escape the fire? (Flames in the Forest)

b) What was the swallow’s role in helping the Happy Prince? (The Happy Prince)

c) How does the poet contrast animals and humans in Refugee Blues?

d) What does the poet mean by "two hundred years’ steady growth has been ended in less than two hours"? (Throwing a Tree)

e) What was Shankar’s life like at the lonely railway station? (Shankar Meets a Lion)

f) Why do the wandering singers say, "The voice of the wind is the voice of our fate"?

g) How does the story of The Happy Prince reflect selflessness?



7. Reference to Context (3 × 4 = 12 marks)

(Do any three out of four.)

a) "We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now."

  • Who are "we"?

  • Why can’t they go there?

  • What emotions does this line express?

  • What is the poem’s central theme?

b) "Look! The bridge is on fire!"

  • Who said this?

  • Why was the bridge important?

  • What did they do next?

  • What lesson does this incident teach?

c) "No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait."

  • Who are "us"?

  • What does "tarry" mean?

  • What does this say about their life?

  • How does fate influence their journey?

d) "The tree crashes downward: it shakes all its neighbours throughout."

  • What does "neighbours" refer to?

  • How long did the tree stand?

  • What effect does its fall have?

  • What message does the poem convey?



Questions &Answrs/ MCQs/Reference/ Assessment

A solemn man in a brown scarf stands among a crowd during a protest. Blurry signs and people are in the background, creating a tense mood.
A solemn expression captures the despair of refugees as portrayed in W.H. Auden's "Refugee Blues," echoing the ongoing struggles of displaced people worldwide.


The Assembly of God Church School, Haldia

English II – English Literature

Class 7 AG Annual Term 2024-25

Total Marks: 80

Time: 2 Hours



1. Word Meaning (10 marks)

a) Scorched – Burned or singed slightly.

b) Gilded – Covered with a thin layer of gold.

c) Lutes – A stringed musical instrument.

d) Tarry – To stay or delay in one place.

e) Persecution – Harsh treatment due to race, religion, or beliefs.

f) Quiver – To shake or tremble slightly.

g) Crestfallen – Disappointed or sad.

h) Lumbering – Moving in a slow, heavy, awkward way.

i) Plight – A difficult or unfortunate situation.

j) Glimmer – A faint or unsteady light.


2. Choose the correct option (10 marks)

a) ii) His father was unwell, and he had to deliver medicines.

b) ii) Go to Egypt.

c) ii) He had no passport.

d) ii) It shook all the surrounding trees.

e) ii) To keep wild animals out.

f) ii) The common people.

g) ii) He wanted to help the poor.

h) i) By beating his milk cans to warn animals.

i) ii) He remained still and silent.

j) iii) About old cities, battles, and kings.


3. Complete the sentences (6 marks)

a) The Happy Prince's eyes were made of sapphires.

b) In Flames in the Forest, the road was blocked by an elephant.

c) The wandering singers believe that their home is the world.

d) The consul in Refugee Blues declared that without a passport, the refugees were officially dead.

e) The tree in Throwing a Tree was two hundred years old.

f) Shankar maintained a diary to document his experiences and pass time.



4. Short Questions (Answer in one word) (10 marks)

a) Gold.

b) His home.

c) Lutes.

d) The previous station master.

e) A passport.

f) The leaden heart.

g) The flickering lamp.

h) Blues poetry style.

i) Less than two hours.

j) A ruby from his sword hilt.



5. Make Sentences (7 × 2 = 14 marks)

a) The golden statue was gilded and shone brightly in the sun.

b) The injured man shambled towards the hospital, barely able to walk.

c) His fate was sealed when he made that decision.

d) The little child trembled in fear during the thunderstorm.

e) The refugees fled their country due to persecution.

f) He looked crestfallen when he lost the competition.

g) There was a mass exodus from the city after the disaster.

h) The tribe led a nomadic life, moving from place to place.

i) The lumbering elephant moved slowly through the forest.

j) The cave produced an echoing sound when he shouted.


6. Answer the following (6 × 3 = 18 marks)

a) Romi and Teju escaped the fire by riding quickly through the forest and crossing a river, where the fire could not reach them.

b) The swallow carried the jewels and gold from the Happy Prince to the poor, helping those in need.

c) The poet contrasts animals and humans by showing that animals, unlike humans, do not face prejudice or political oppression.

d) The phrase means that it took only two hours to cut down a tree that had taken two hundred years to grow.

e) Shankar’s life at the lonely station was boring and isolating, with only books and diary writing to keep him occupied.

f) The wandering singers believe that they are guided by the wind, which represents their destiny and free-spirited nature.

g) The Happy Prince showed selflessness by giving away all his gold and jewels to help the poor, even though it left him dull and lifeless.


7. Reference to Context (3 × 4 = 12 marks)

a) "We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now."

•           Who are "we"? – The speaker and his companion, who are refugees.

•           Why can’t they go there? – They have been exiled and cannot return.

•           What emotions does this line express? – Sadness, loss, and helplessness.

•           What is the poem’s central theme? – The suffering and displacement of refugees.

b) "Look! The bridge is on fire!"

•           Who said this? – Teju.

•           Why was the bridge important? – It was their only escape route.

•           What did they do next? – They jumped into the river to escape the fire.

•           What lesson does this incident teach? – Courage and quick thinking can save lives.

c) "No love bids us tarry, no joy bids us wait."

•           Who are "us"? – The wandering singers.

•           What does "tarry" mean? – Stay or delay.

•           What does this say about their life? – They do not stay in one place or form attachments.

•           How does fate influence their journey? – They follow the wind, symbolizing fate guiding their lives.

d) "The tree crashes downward: it shakes all its neighbours throughout."

•           What does "neighbours" refer to? – Other trees around it.

•           How long did the tree stand? – Two hundred years.

•           What effect does its fall have? – It disrupts the surrounding trees and the environment.

•           What message does the poem convey? – The destruction of nature by humans is thoughtless and irreversible.


Silhouetted trees against a fiery red sky with small ground fires, creating a dramatic and intense scene.
Raging flames illuminate a dense forest as the sky burns with fiery hues, evoking the suspense and courage depicted in Ruskin Bond's "Flames in the Forest," where Romi and Teju courageously face the dangers of a wildfire.



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