Paul Masih
24 Nov 2024
Comprehensive Solutions and Detailed Explanations for Class 10 English Communicative - Section D (Literature Textbook) [26 Marks]
English Communicative Class-10th Section-D Questions and Answers

(Literature Textbook) [26 Marks]
8. Read the following excerpts and answer the questions briefly, for any two excerpts, of the given three, (a), (b), (c). [4+4]
(A) But when the evening of his life was drawing in, he left his old ways and his life suddenly took a new turn. His only child, Miriam married and left him. She went off with a soldier into his regiment in the Punjab, and for the last five years he had no news of this daughter for whose sake alone he dragged along a cheerless existence. Now he understood the meaning of love and separation. He could no longer enjoy the sportsman's pleasure and laughter at the be wildered terror of the young partridges bereft of their parents. (The Letter)
(a) What does the phrase 'evening of his life' refer to? [1]
(b) Explain 'he left his old ways'. [1]
(c) How did his life take a new turn? [1]
(d) Which word/phrase depict a gloomy atmosphere in the given lines? [1]
(B) Day by day the Nightingale
Grew more sorrowful and pale.
Night on night her tired song
Zipped and trilled and bounced along,
Till the birds and beasts grew tired
At a voice so uninspired
(The Frog and the Nightingale)
(a) State the reason why the Nightingale grew 'sorrowful and pale'. [1]
(b) Why did the audience get tired of her song? [1]
(c) The Nightingale did not enjoy singing alone. Why? [1]
(d) Which word in the given lines mean 'sang quickly'. [1]
C) Caesar: Cowards die many times before their death;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard.
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
(Julius Caesar)
(a) Whom does Caesar console and why? [1]
(b) Which quality of the speaker is revealed here? [1]
(c) Explain: Cowards die many times before their deaths. [1]
(d) Give the synonym of 'Gallant'. [1]
(d) Give the synonym of 'Gallant'.
9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: [5×2=10]
(i) Why didn't John want to partner Laura Hinkle at the Ouija Board party? (A Shady Plot)
(ii) 'Well, at least he had gathered some useful information.' What was the information gathered by Patol Babu? (Patol Babu, Film Star)
(iii) What do time and war do to the monuments? (Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments)
(iv) Why did not Luigi, the driver, approve of the two boys? [The Two Gentlemen of Verona]
(v) Why did the audience applaud the Nightingale's song? (The Frog and the Nightingale)
(vi) The second attempt to rescue Sebastian Shultz too was disastrous. Give reason. (Virtually True)
10. Answer any one of the following two questions in about 150 words: [8]
(A) Both the stories 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' and 'The Letter' teach us not to lose hope and courage even in adverse situations. Write a letter to a friend justifying the statement with reference to the stories.
(B) Victoria Slater is truly attached to her grandfather. She is confused by the behaviour of the elders at home, their attitude towards the old man. As Victoria write a diary entry in not more than 150 words, outlining the incidents and the elders' feelings towards the misfortune. (The Dear Departed)

8. Read the following excerpts and answer the questions briefly:
(A) From The Letter by Dhumaketu
(a) What does the phrase 'evening of his life' refer to?
The phrase "evening of his life" refers to the later years of Ali's life, when he is old and nearing the end of his days.
(b) Explain 'he left his old ways'.
The phrase means that Ali gave up his previous lifestyle of hunting and enjoying the thrill of sports, which he had once cherished, especially after the separation from his daughter.
(c) How did his life take a new turn?
Ali’s life took a new turn when he became consumed with waiting for a letter from his daughter, Miriam. His focus shifted from his former pleasures to an intense, hopeful longing for any news about her.
(d) Which word/phrase depicts a gloomy atmosphere in the given lines?
The phrase "cheerless existence" depicts a gloomy atmosphere, reflecting Ali’s loneliness and despair after Miriam left.
(B) From The Frog and the Nightingale by Vikram Seth(a) State the reason why the Nightingale grew 'sorrowful and pale'.
The Nightingale grew sorrowful and pale because she was forced to sing under the frog’s constant criticism and manipulation, which drained her joy and energy.
(b) Why did the audience get tired of her song?
The audience got tired of her song because her once-beautiful melody became uninspired and repetitive, as she lacked the passion and freedom to sing from the heart.
(c) The Nightingale did not enjoy singing alone. Why?
The Nightingale did not enjoy singing alone because the frog had exploited her and forced her to sing continuously for the audience, taking away her autonomy and joy in her natural talent.
(d) Which word in the given lines means 'sang quickly'?
The word "Zipped" means ‘sang quickly,’ describing the fast, mechanical nature of the Nightingale’s song.
(C) From Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare(a) Whom does Caesar console and why?
Caesar consoles his friend, Brutus, and others who fear death, assuring them that death is inevitable and should not be feared, as it comes when it is destined to come.
(b) Which quality of the speaker is revealed here?
Caesar’s courage and acceptance of mortality are revealed here. He shows bravery in the face of death, emphasizing that death is a necessary and natural part of life.
(c) Explain: 'Cowards die many times before their deaths'.
This means that those who fear death live in constant dread and anxiety, experiencing emotional 'deaths' many times before the actual physical death comes. It contrasts with the brave, who face death only once, without fear.
(d) Give the synonym of 'Gallant'.
A synonym for "gallant" is "brave."
9. Answer any five of the following questions:
(i) Why didn't John want to partner Laura Hinkle at the Ouija Board party?
John didn’t want to partner Laura Hinkle at the Ouija Board party because he found her overly serious and skeptical about the supernatural, which he thought would ruin the fun and excitement of the game.
(ii) 'Well, at least he had gathered some useful information.' What was the information gathered by Patol Babu?
Patol Babu, in Patol Babu, Film Star, gathers useful information about his role in the film, such as the necessary actions and expressions for his brief scene, helping him deliver his performance with confidence and dedication.
(iii) What do time and war do to the monuments?
In Not Marble, Nor the Gilded Monuments, Shakespeare argues that time and war erode physical monuments, leaving them vulnerable to decay and destruction. However, the poem asserts that poetry has the power to immortalize individuals, outlasting these physical structures.
(iv) Why did Luigi, the driver, not approve of the two boys?
Luigi, the driver in Two Gentlemen of Verona, did not approve of the two boys because they appeared shabby and untrustworthy. He felt that their appearance was suspicious, reflecting his prejudice against their poverty-stricken state.
(v) Why did the audience applaud the Nightingale's song?
The audience in The Frog and the Nightingale applauded the Nightingale's song initially because it was beautiful and captivating, reflecting her natural talent. However, their applause was later tainted by the frog's manipulation, which turned her music mechanical and uninspired.
(vi) The second attempt to rescue Sebastian Shultz too was disastrous. Give reason.
In Virtually True, the second attempt to rescue Sebastian Schultz was disastrous because the rescue plan failed, and the protagonist’s overconfidence led to unforeseen complications, highlighting the unpredictability of virtual worlds.
10. Answer any one of the following two questions in about 150 words:
(A) Letter to a Friend:
Subject: The Importance of Hope and Courage
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share with you some valuable lessons from two heartwarming stories we read recently: Two Gentlemen of Verona and The Letter. Both stories emphasize the importance of not losing hope and courage, even in the most difficult times.
In Two Gentlemen of Verona, Nicola and Jacopo, two young boys, show incredible selflessness by working hard to pay for their sister’s medical treatment, despite their own hardships. Their unwavering love and dedication inspire hope, showing that adversity can be overcome with determination and love.
Similarly, in The Letter, Ali, an elderly man, waits for a letter from his daughter Miriam for five years, despite never receiving any news from her. His hope never fades, and this persistence teaches us the value of never giving up, even when things seem hopeless.
Both stories inspire us to keep going, even when life is tough, and to always hold on to hope and courage.
Take care,
[Your Name]
(B) Diary Entry as Victoria:
Date: [Insert Date]
Dear Diary,
Today has been troubling, and I can't seem to understand the behavior of the elders at home. I overheard them talking about Grandfather’s condition in such cold and dismissive tones. They treated him as though he were just another burden, while I know how much he means to me. When he was alive, he had always been kind, full of wisdom, and laughter. Now, the elders speak of him only in terms of his misfortune, as though his existence was solely to be measured by his usefulness.
They seem more concerned with their own comfort than with his well-being, and I cannot bear it. I feel sad that they don’t see the value of his love and contributions to the family. It’s as if, once a person is old and dependent, they lose their worth in the eyes of others. I wish they would realize that love for the elderly should be unconditional, not based on convenience.
Yours sadly,
English Communicative Class-10th Section-D Questions and Answers