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Speech Writing

Mastering the Art of Speech Writing: Comprehensive Guidelines and Inspiring Samples for School Students to Craft Engaging and Impactful Speeches on Relevant Topics

1. Public Speaking Speech Sandwich: Your speech's start and finish are critical. Begin with a great opening statement to capture the attention of your audience, and conclude with a memorable closing statement that creates a lasting impact. People are more likely to remember the start and ending sections of a speech, so make them important.


2. Use Concrete Facts: Research your issue thoroughly and provide particular facts and statistics to back up your points. Concrete information improves trustworthiness and increases the overall effect of your message.


3. Rhetorical Techniques and Humour: In order to engage your audience and make them think, use rhetorical tactics such as thought-provoking questions. Humour is an effective strategy for keeping your audience engaged and responsive to your message. However, make sure the humour is suitable and pertinent to the subject.


4. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and degree of understanding. Make your communication relevant to them by using language and situations they can connect to and comprehend.


5. Plan As a result, structure your communication logically and coherently. Begin with an introduction that presents the subject and establishes the tone for the rest of your speech. Organise the major body of your speech into distinct points or parts with a seamless transition between them. Finally, make a powerful and compelling concluding remark.


6. Timing Yourself: Be mindful of the time allotted for your speech. To keep your audience's attention, keep your speech brief and focused. Rehearse your speech and time it to ensure it fits within the time limit.


7. Practise and Rehearse: Delivering an effective speech requires practise. Rehearse in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or record yourself to detect flaws. Practise can also enhance your confidence on the big day.


8. Emphasise Delivery: It is crucial to remember that how you give your speech is just as significant as what you say. To keep your audience engaged and interested, use proper body language, gestures, and voice diversity.


9. Use Visual Aids (as needed): Depending on the environment and subject, visual aids such as slides, props, or movies may augment and enrich your speech.10. Be yourself. Be yourself throughout the speech. Allow your individuality to shine through, and talk about your issue with passion and conviction.

Remember that practise and preparation are essential for making an effective speech. You can write an engaging and successful school speech that connects with your audience by following these suggestions and customising them to your individual scenario.


Speech Writing Samples

Here are a few speech-writing examples to help you prepare for the subsequent speeches you may need to write for examinations or events.


1. Everybody owns a cell phone, but not everyone has the right manners to talk on the phone. Write a speech of not more than 250 words educating the people of your colony about cell phone etiquettes.


[Opening] Good morning/afternoon, respected teachers, and fellow students of Class 10. Today, I stand before you to address an essential topic that affects each one of us in this modern age—the importance of cellphone etiquettes. In a world where nearly everyone owns a cellphone, it becomes crucial for us to learn the right manners of using this powerful tool responsibly and respectfully.


  1. Mindful Usage: Our cellphones provide us with immense connectivity, but it's vital to remember that we are not alone when using them. Whether in public spaces or at home, be mindful of your surroundings and refrain from disturbing others with loud conversations or notifications.

  2. Silence is Golden: Imagine being in a quiet classroom or during a family gathering when a loud ringtone disrupts the peace. Let's make it a habit to keep our phones on silent or vibrate mode in such situations, to avoid unnecessary disturbances.

  3. Respect Personal Space: Avoid using your cellphone in situations where it might intrude on someone's personal space or privacy. This includes during important conversations, meetings, or while studying with friends.

  4. Texting Courtesy: When communicating via text, be clear, concise, and respectful. Avoid using excessive abbreviations or emojis in formal communications, and be patient while waiting for a reply.

  5. Keep It Private: Remember that not everything needs to be shared on social media or group chats. Respect the privacy of others and think before posting or forwarding messages, pictures, or videos that might be inappropriate or hurtful.

  6. Limit Screen Time: Overusing cellphones can lead to negative effects on our physical and mental health. Be conscious of your screen time and strike a balance between online and offline activities.

  7. No Distractions during Class: As students, it's essential to give our undivided attention during class hours. Avoid texting or using your phone in the classroom to fully engage in learning.

  8. Emergency Calls Only: In case of an emergency, your phone can be a lifesaver. But please, do not misuse this privilege and avoid making unnecessary calls during important occasions or gatherings.

[Conclusion] Let us be responsible digital citizens and showcase our impeccable cellphone etiquettes. By following these simple guidelines, we not only show respect to others but also uphold our values as responsible members of society. Let's use our cellphones as tools for connection, learning, and inspiration while setting an example for others to follow.

Thank you for lending me your ears, and together, let's embrace courteous cellphone usage and make our world a better place.

[Closing] Once again, thank you, and have a wonderful day ahead!


2. You have to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in the 21st century, in India. We gave him the title of ‘the Father of the Nation’, yet we appear to remember Gandhiji’s life-work and his sacrifice for his motherland only on two days of the year—30 January and 2 October. Politicians give speeches at public gatherings, the film ‘Gandhi’ is telecast on a couple of TV channels, but in our daily lives we think it unnecessary to follow his example. Write the speech in about 150–200 words, describing Gandhiji’s contribution to our country


Respected Principal, teachers, and dear fellow students,

Today, I humbly present myself before this esteemed gathering to delve into the enduring significance of the venerable Mahatma Gandhi in the contemporary era of the 21st century, particularly within the intricate tapestry of India.

In contemplating the illustrious figure that is Mahatma Gandhi, one cannot help but ponder the curious phenomenon that surrounds his legacy. Though rightfully bestowed with the esteemed title of "the Father of the Nation," it appears that the remembrance of his extraordinary life and profound sacrifices is confined to specific memorial days, such as the solemn 30th of January and the revered 2nd of October. As politicians eloquently expound their rhetoric and the celluloid masterpiece 'Gandhi' graces the airwaves, it behoves us to introspect and ponder the extent to which we wholeheartedly embody the profound tenets of Mahatma Gandhi in our quotidian existence.Mahatma Gandhi transcended the boundaries of being a mere historical figure, for he embodied the essence of a visionary. His indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to his ideals propelled him to the forefront of leadership, guiding our nation through a profoundly transformative era. His indelible mark on our nation was unmatched. He fervently advocated for the principles of non-violence, truthfulness, and communal concord. The resounding echoes of his profound message on self-reliance and self-sufficiency reverberated through the hearts and minds of countless individuals, igniting a fervent desire to partake in the noble cause of freedom and dedicate themselves to the arduous task of constructing a sovereign India.In the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century, the enduring relevance and indispensability of Gandhian values persist. In this tumultuous era, rife with strife and discord, the profound wisdom of his teachings on non-violence and tolerance resonates with unparalleled significance.

As the world grapples with the relentless onslaught of conflicts and divisions, his timeless principles offer a beacon of hope and enlightenment. Now, more than ever, we are compelled to heed his profound insights and embrace the transformative power of peace and acceptance. The alignment of his focus on simplicity, sustainability, and environmental consciousness with the imperative to confront the pressing ecological challenges of our time is nothing short of impeccable.The enduring relevance of Gandhiji's profound philosophy of inclusive growth, wherein the utmost priority is bestowed upon the welfare of the most destitute and marginalised, cannot be overstated. It serves as an invaluable tool in our ongoing battle against the persistent socio-economic disparities that continue to plague our society. With an unwavering focus on the advancement of rural development and the empowerment of local communities, his resounding emphasis resonates with the clarion call for a self-reliant and resilient India, poised to confront the myriad uncertainties that pervade the global landscape.As the vibrant and spirited youth of this great nation, it is incumbent upon us to pay homage and steadfastly uphold the timeless principles espoused by the revered Mahatma Gandhi in the very fabric of our daily lives. Let us embark upon the noble pursuit of non-violence, weaving its essence into the very fabric of our interactions. With unwavering commitment, let us embrace the virtues of truth and honesty, allowing them to permeate every facet of our existence. And in our collective endeavour, let us ardently strive for the harmonious coexistence of all within our community. Let us, as conscientious individuals, remain ever cognizant of the profound influence we wield over the environment, and let us, in turn, strive unwaveringly towards the noble pursuit of sustainable living. Let us, as catalysts of profound transformation, ignite the flames of positive change, bestowing upon marginalised communities the power to transcend their limitations and actively participate in the advancement and prosperity of our great nation.

The teachings of Mahatma Gandhi transcend the boundaries of time, casting an eternal glow upon the nation and serving as a steadfast beacon of guidance. Let us not restrict the remembrance of his legacy to a mere couple of annual occasions but rather endeavour to assimilate his profound principles into the fabric of our everyday existence. In this manner, we bestow homage upon the esteemed progenitor of our nation, not solely through verbal expressions but through tangible deeds and endeavours.With utmost gratitude, I extend my appreciation for your unwavering attention, dear reader. Let us embark on a collective endeavour, a noble pursuit, to embody the essence of Gandhian principles in the vast expanse of 21st-century India.

May we, as individuals, rise to the occasion and become the luminous torchbearers, illuminating the path towards a brighter future, guided by the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi.With a resounding cry of "Jai Hind!" and fervent patriotism and allegiance to my beloved nation. 



3. Wheelchair Warriors, Sanjana, Vipul and Atul, have been suffering from a debilitating disease— muscular dystrophy—for almost three decades. The symptoms started appearing when they were in their early teens. But disability has not dampened their spirit. It has only made them more determined. You are deeply moved by the above report. You realise that physically challenged people can also play a constructive role in society. We should neither underestimate nor ignore them; and we should definitely not pity them. We must give them the opportunity to prove themselves. Give a speech during the morning assembly urging your schoolmates to understand people like Sanjana, Vipul and Atul.


Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and my dear schoolmates,

Today, I stand before you with a message that is close to my heart, a message about the indomitable spirit of three extraordinary individuals – Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul. These incredible individuals have been battling a debilitating disease, muscular dystrophy, for nearly three decades. Their journey has not been easy, but their perseverance and determination have been nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Often, when we encounter physically challenged individuals, we might be tempted to feel pity for them. We might think that their lives are full of struggles and limitations, but let me tell you, that is far from the truth. Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul have shown us that disability is not a hindrance; it is not a barrier to leading a fulfilling life or making valuable contributions to society.

In fact, they are not defined by their disabilities; they are defined by their strength, their courage, and their passion for life. Despite the challenges they face daily, they have chosen to embrace life with open arms and never let their circumstances dictate their destiny. They have shown us that they are not mere recipients of sympathy; they are warriors – the "Wheelchair Warriors" – fighting to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the lessons we can learn from them. First and foremost, they teach us the value of resilience. Life is not always fair, and it can throw unexpected obstacles in our path. However, it is how we respond to these challenges that define us. Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul have demonstrated the strength to rise above their adversities, and we can draw inspiration from their courage to overcome our own obstacles.

Secondly, they remind us that each person is unique and has something valuable to offer. Just because someone has a physical limitation does not mean they lack talent or potential. In fact, they might possess skills and talents that we have yet to discover. By acknowledging and respecting their abilities, we create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Moreover, by understanding the struggles faced by people like Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul, we become more empathetic individuals. Empathy is the key to fostering meaningful connections and building a supportive community. When we put ourselves in their shoes, we gain a deeper appreciation for the challenges they confront daily.

As a school, it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued. We must create an environment that celebrates diversity and embraces all individuals, regardless of their physical abilities. Let us pledge to treat each other with kindness and respect, and let us actively include and involve everyone in our school activities and events.

I urge all of you to remember that disability does not define a person's worth. We are all capable of achieving greatness if we believe in ourselves and receive the support and encouragement of those around us. Let us be the support system that Sanjana, Vipul, Atul, and others need to thrive.

So, my dear friends, let us stand together as a united school community, recognizing the strength and potential of every individual, regardless of their physical challenges. Together, we can make a difference by being more understanding, inclusive, and compassionate towards one another.

Thank you for listening, and let us strive to be better individuals and a better community, where everyone is given the opportunity to prove themselves.

Thank you!



Empowering Voices: Relevant Speech Topics for Indian School Students

These topics cover a wide range of important issues that are relevant to the lives of students in class 10, 11, and 12, and they can spark meaningful discussions and create awareness on various subjects that matter in the Indian education system.


  1. The Importance of Environmental Conservation: How Small Actions Can Make a Big Difference

  2. Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma and Promoting Well-being

  3. Digital Literacy: Navigating the Online World Safely and Responsibly

  4. Empowering Youth Voices: Encouraging Student Activism and Engagement

  5. Gender Equality: Promoting Inclusivity and Respect in Schools and Beyond

  6. The Power of Mindfulness: Cultivating Inner Peace and Focus in a Fast-paced World

  7. Financial Literacy: Building a Strong Foundation for a Secure Future

  8. Sports and Physical Fitness: Balancing Academics and Health for Holistic Development

  9. Embracing Cultural Diversity: Celebrating India's Rich Heritage and Traditions

  10. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Nurturing Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

  11. The Impact of Social Media on Society: Striking a Balance between Virtual and Real Life

  12. Overcoming Exam Stress: Strategies for Effective Time Management and Stress Relief

  13. Cybersecurity and Online Safety: Protecting Yourself and Others in the Digital Age

  14. Career Exploration: Discovering Passion and Pathways for Future Success

  15. Responsible Voting: Empowering Young Voters to Participate in the Democratic Process

  16. Building Strong Interpersonal Skills: Nurturing Relationships and Communication

  17. Promoting Volunteerism: The Joy of Giving Back to the Community

  18. Promoting Healthy Relationships: Understanding Consent and Respect in Relationships

  19. Art and Creativity: Expressing Yourself through Various Art Forms

  20. Sustainable Development: Taking Actions to Ensure a Better Future for All

Some famous speeches:

Steve Jobs


Sudha Murty's tribute to wives of entrepreneurs:


I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King .Jr HD (subtitled)


Dr. Shashi Tharoor's most Viral speech


Marlon Brando  an Mark Anthony from Julius Caesar


Speech Writing
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