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Transformation of Sentences 1

Prep Time:

1 Hour

Test Time:

45 Minutes


CL. 11



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About the Lesson

Understanding how to transform sentences is crucial for mastering English grammar. Below, we'll explore various types of sentence transformations, from converting affirmative sentences to negatives, to changing active voice to passive. Let's dive into each lesson.


Lesson 1: Affirmative and Negative Sentences

Affirmative Sentences

Definition: Affirmative sentences, also known as positive sentences, are used to express a statement that affirms or asserts something. These sentences provide information, declare a fact, or describe an event in a straightforward manner without any denial or negation.


  1. The sun rises in the east.

  2. She enjoys playing the piano.

  3. They have completed their homework.

In each of these sentences, the subject is doing something or a fact is being stated, and there is no element of negation.

Negative Sentences

Definition: Negative sentences express a negation, denial, or contradiction by adding words like "not," "never," "no," or "none" to the sentence. These sentences are used to indicate that something is not happening, is untrue, or does not exist.


  1. The sun does not rise in the west.

  2. She does not enjoy playing the piano.

  3. They have not completed their homework.

Key Features of Negative Sentences:

  • Auxiliary Verbs: In many cases, a negative sentence requires an auxiliary (helping) verb like do, does, did, or forms of to be (is, are, was, were). The auxiliary verb is used to help form the negative.

  • Placement of "Not": The word "not" is typically placed after the auxiliary verb.

Transformation of Affirmative to Negative Sentences

To transform an affirmative sentence into a negative one, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Verb: Find the main verb of the sentence.

  2. Introduce the Auxiliary Verb (if not already present): If the affirmative sentence does not have an auxiliary verb, add one (do, does, did).

  3. Add "Not": Place "not" after the auxiliary verb.

  4. Adjust the Sentence Structure: Ensure the sentence still conveys the same meaning after the transformation.

Examples of Transformations:

  1. Affirmative: She sings beautifully. 

    Negative: She does not sing beautifully.

  2. Affirmative: They are going to the park. 

    Negative: They are not going to the park.

  3. Affirmative: He has finished his work. 

    Negative: He has not finished his work.

  4. Affirmative: The children played in the garden. 

    Negative: The children did not play in the garden.

  5. Affirmative: There is some milk in the fridge. 

    Negative: There is no milk in the fridge.



Exercise: Convert the Following Affirmative Sentences into Negative Sentences

  1. She enjoys reading books.

  2. They will attend the meeting tomorrow.

  3. The cat is on the roof.

  4. John likes ice cream.

  5. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.

  6. He speaks Spanish fluently.

  7. We are going to the beach this weekend.

  8. She has finished her homework.

  9. They were happy with the results.

  10. The dog barks loudly at strangers.

  11. She can solve complex math problems.

  12. The sun rises in the east.

  13. He plays the piano beautifully.

  14. They have bought a new car.

  15. She wrote a letter to her friend.

  16. The children are playing in the garden.

  17. He reads the newspaper every morning.

  18. We saw a movie last night.

  19. She is working on a new project.

  20. The flowers bloom in the spring.


Exercise: Convert the Following Negative Sentences into Affirmative Sentences

  1. She does not enjoy watching horror movies.

  2. They did not attend the concert last night.

  3. He is not interested in football.

  4. We have not finished our homework yet.

  5. The book was not very interesting.

  6. She cannot swim in the deep end of the pool.

  7. They will not arrive before 6 PM.

  8. The cat does not like to be petted.

  9. He did not visit his grandparents last weekend.

  10. She is not going to the party tonight.

  11. They were not happy with the service.

  12. The students did not understand the lesson.

  13. She has not seen that movie before.

  14. He does not eat vegetables.

  15. The dog does not bark at night.

  16. They have not received the package yet.

  17. She was not feeling well yesterday.

  18. He does not agree with the decision.

  19. The store does not open on Sundays.

  20. We are not planning a vacation this year.





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