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Joining Sentences 2

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Paul Masih

8 Sept 2024

5. (iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. [4]

5. (iii) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. Choose the correct option. [4]

1.         He lost his keys. He cannot open the door.

a. He lost his keys to open the door.

b. He cannot open the door and then lost his keys.

c. Since he lost his keys, he cannot open the door.

d. The keys were lost before the door was opened.

2.         The train was late. I missed my appointment.

a. The train made me miss my appointment.

b. I missed the train because of my appointment.

c. Because the train was late, I missed my appointment.

d. My appointment was missed due to the late arrival.

3.         She baked a cake. She shared it with her neighbours.

a. After sharing the cake, she baked it with her neighbours.

b. Her neighbours baked a cake and shared it with her.

c. She baked her neighbours in the cake.

d. She shared the cake, she baked, with her neighbours.

4.         He completed the task. He went to sleep.

a. He went to sleep after completing the task.

b. Completing the task made him sleep.

c. He went to sleep to complete the task.

d. He slept because he didn’t finish the task.

5.         The weather is pleasant. We can go for a walk.

a. The weather is pleasant when we walk.

b. Walking makes the weather pleasant.

c. We can go for a walk because the weather is pleasant.

d. As we walk, the weather becomes pleasant.

6.         They are building a new school. It will open next year.

a. The school opens as they are building it.

b. They open a new school after building next year.

c. The school is built so it can open next year.

d. A new school that they are building will open next year.

7.         She worked hard. She passed the exam.

a. She passed before she started working hard.

b. She passed the exam because she worked hard.

c. Hard work failed her exam.

d. She passed the exam and worked hard.



8.         John is a doctor. His brother is a lawyer.

a. John and his brother are doctors and lawyers.

b. John’s doctor is his brother, who is a lawyer.

c. John is a doctor whereas his brother is a lawyer.

d. John’s brother is a lawyer, so he is a doctor.

9.         She was late. She apologized for it.

a. She apologized for being late.

b. She apologized as she was early.

c. Being late made her apologize early.

d. She apologized before she became late.

10.       He failed the test. He did not study.

a. He studied hard but still failed the test.

b. He failed the test because he did not study.

c. The test was hard because he studied.

d. Failing the test caused him to study.

11.        The movie was boring. We left the theatre early.

a. Leaving early made the movie boring.

b. Since the movie was boring, we left the theatre early.

c. The theatre left before the movie became boring.

d. We left the boring theatre before the movie.

12.       She has a bike. She rides it to school.

a. Her school rides the bike.

b. She rides her bike to school.

c. She bikes the school and rides it.

d. Riding a bike makes her go to school.

13.       He found a wallet. He returned it to the owner.

a. After finding a wallet, he returned it to the owner.

b. The wallet returned to the owner by itself.

c. He returned the wallet and found the owner.

d. Finding the owner, he returned the wallet.

14.       I was tired. I went to bed early.

a. Being tired kept me up late.

b. I went to bed early because I was tired.

c. Going to bed late made me tired.

d. I was tired and avoided going to bed.

15.       She learned French. She moved to France.

a. She learned French before moving to France.

b. Moving to France made her avoid French.

c. She moved to France and then learned French.

d. Learning French prevented her from moving to France.


16.       He is a good singer. He cannot dance.

a. He is a good singer, but he cannot dance.

b. Despite being a singer, he dances well.

c. Dancing helps him sing well.

d. He can sing well, but dancing is difficult.

17.       We are going to the park. We will have a picnic.

a. The park has a picnic so we are going.

b. Having a picnic helps us visit the park.

c. We are going to the park to have a picnic.

d. The picnic at the park is cancelled.

18.       It started raining. We took out our umbrellas.

a. We took out our umbrellas as it started raining.

b. The rain started after we used our umbrellas.

c. The umbrellas caused the rain to start.

d. We kept the umbrellas and ignored the rain.

19.       She loves to read. She has a large book collection.

a. Her collection makes her avoid reading.

b. She loves reading the large collection of books.

c. She has a large book collection because she loves to read.

d. The collection of books reduced her love for reading.

20.       He works in a bank. He lives in a small town.

a. His job at the bank is in the small town.

b. He lives at the bank in the town.

c. He works in a bank and lives in a small town.

d. The town is small, so he avoids working in the bank.

21.       The match was exciting. It ended in a draw.

a. The match, though exciting, ended in a draw.

b. A draw ended the excitement of the match.

c. Excitement was drawn out before the match ended.

d. The match drew a lot of excitement before ending.

22.       She missed the bus. She had to walk to school.

a. The bus was missed by walking to school.

b. She missed the bus, so she had to walk to school.

c. Walking to school caused her to miss the bus.

d. Since she missed the bus, she had to walk to school.

23.       I forgot my homework. The teacher was angry.

a. The teacher forgot my homework and got angry.

b. I was angry when the teacher forgot the homework.

c. Homework made the teacher forget and be angry.

d. The teacher was angry because I forgot my homework.


24.       He helped his friend. His friend was in trouble.

a. He troubled his friend by helping him.

b. His friend helped him after getting into trouble.

c. He helped his friend who was in trouble.

d. The friend helped him get into trouble.

25.       The sun was shining. We decided to go to the beach.

a. The beach avoided us when the sun shone.

b. We decided to go to the beach because the sun was shining.

c. The sun made us avoid going to the beach.

d. Going to the beach made the sun shine.

26.       She is talented. She won the competition.

a. She won the competition because she is talented.

b. Talent prevented her from winning the competition.

c. Winning the competition reduced her talent.

d. The competition won her talent.

27.       He studied for hours. He passed the exam.

a. Studying for hours made him fail the exam.

b. He passed the exam because he studied for hours.

c. He passed the exam without studying for hours.

d. Hours of studying caused him to avoid the exam.

28.       The car broke down. They called for help.

a. Breaking down the car helped them call.

b. They called for help because the car broke down.

c. Help broke the car down before they called.

d. The car broke down because they called for help.

29.       The road was blocked. We took a detour.

a. Detouring the road made it blocked.

b. The road caused us to block the detour.

c. We blocked the road by taking a detour.

d. Since the road was blocked, we took a detour.

30.       She was ill. She did not attend the meeting.

a. She attended the meeting despite being ill.

b. Illness caused her to attend the meeting.

c. She attended the meeting but felt ill.

d. She did not attend the meeting because she was ill.



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