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Do As Directed Part 2

BG  (6).png

Paul Masih

8 Aug 2024

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.
Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence.

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence:

Set 6:

  1. Original: The cake was baked by the baker. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The baker...".

  2. Original: All the students attended the seminar. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Each of".

  3. Original: Although he was tired, he completed the project. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "In spite of".

  4. Original: This task needs to be finished before the deadline. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Aluminium is the lightest metal. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: He finished his work and left the office. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The riddle was too puzzling for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This riddle is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the sun set than the stars appeared. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 7:

  1. Original: The play was performed by the actors. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The actors...".

  2. Original: All the employees attended the meeting. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Every".

  3. Original: Although the weather was bad, they went for a picnic. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "Despite".

  4. Original: This situation needs to be addressed immediately. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Iron is the most commonly used metal. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: She finished her reading and went for a walk. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The puzzle was too challenging for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This puzzle is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the game start than the crowd cheered. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 8:

  1. Original: The letter was written by the author. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The author...".

  2. Original: All the children participated in the event. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Each of".

  3. Original: Although he was busy, he managed to attend the party. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "In spite of".

  4. Original: This issue needs to be resolved before it escalates. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Zinc is the primary component of this alloy. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: He finished his work and headed home. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The problem was too complex for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This problem is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the bell ring than the students lined up. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".



Set 9:

  1. Original: The speech was delivered by the speaker. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The speaker...".

  2. Original: All the team members contributed to the project. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Every".

  3. Original: Although the movie was long, they watched it till the end. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "Despite".

  4. Original: This plan must be executed before the deadline. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We need to".

  5. Original: Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: She finished her work and decided to relax. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The question was too difficult for me to answer. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This question is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the rain start than people opened their umbrellas. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 10:

  1. Original: The painting was created by the artist. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The artist...".

  2. Original: All the students received certificates for their achievements. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Each of".

  3. Original: Although the food was spicy, they enjoyed it. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "In spite of".

  4. Original: This problem needs to be solved before it gets worse. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Lead is the densest common metal. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: He finished his work and took a break. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The puzzle was too challenging for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This puzzle is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the music start than people started dancing. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

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