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Do As Directed Part 1

BG  (6).png

Paul Masih

8 Aug 2024

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given.

Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of the sentence:

Set 1:

  1. Original: The book was read by the students. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The students...".

  2. Original: All the houses were decorated with lights. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Every".

  3. Original: Although it was raining, they went for a walk. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "Despite".

  4. Original: This assignment should be completed by tomorrow. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We need to".

  5. Original: Diamond is the hardest natural substance. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: She finished her work and took a break. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The question was too complex for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This question is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the sun rise than the birds started singing. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 2:

  1. Original: The cake was baked by my grandmother. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "My grandmother...".

  2. Original: All the students passed the exam with flying colours. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Each of".

  3. Original: Although she was tired, she attended the party. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "In spite of".

  4. Original: This project needs to be submitted before the end of the week. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Platinum is the rarest metal. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: He finished his presentation and left the room. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The task was too time-consuming for me to finish. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This task is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the movie start than the audience fell silent. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 3:

  1. Original: The message was delivered by the courier. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The courier...".

  2. Original: All the participants were awarded certificates. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Every".

  3. Original: Although he was unwell, he attended the meeting. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "Despite".

  4. Original: This document must be signed by the end of the day. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We need to".

  5. Original: Silver is the best conductor of electricity. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: She finished her homework and went for a walk. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The puzzle was too challenging for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This puzzle is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the clock strike twelve than the fireworks started. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".


Set 4:

  1. Original: The news was reported by the journalist. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The journalist...".

  2. Original: All the participants presented their ideas. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Each of".

  3. Original: Although the road was blocked, they reached the destination. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "In spite of".

  4. Original: This issue should be resolved before it escalates. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We must".

  5. Original: Titanium is the strongest metal. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: He finished his chores and went to the gym. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The problem was too complex for me to solve. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This problem is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the rain start than people sought shelter. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

Set 5:

  1. Original: The message was sent by the sender. Instruction: Rewrite the following sentence starting with "The sender...".

  2. Original: All the participants enjoyed the workshop. Instruction: Rewrite the sentence using "Every".

  3. Original: Although she was nervous, she delivered the speech. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "Despite".

  4. Original: This decision must be made before the meeting. Instruction: Start the sentence with "We need to".

  5. Original: Copper is the best conductor of heat. Instruction: Use "No other" to begin the sentence.

  6. Original: She finished her workout and took a shower. Instruction: Commence the sentence with "Having".

  7. Original: The question was too tricky for me to answer. Instruction: Begin the sentence with "This question is so".

  8. Original: No sooner did the music begin than people started dancing. Instruction: Start the sentence with "As soon".

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